An extremely rare morph in the reptile world, albino bearded dragons make a perfect pet for any reptile lover with sufficient space in their homes and money in their pockets. Since it is rarely found, being a little more expensive than others is an obvious conclusion. Also known as white-bearded dragons or zero bearded dragons, they originally come from shrublands and deserts of Australia and tend to live in brightness. These reptiles are quite gentle and well-behaved. They are easy to keep even for beginners considering that the owner is willing to give proper attention and care.
White bearded dragons have a unique look to them due to the lack of color and patterns. In cooler areas, they have grayish bodies whereas, in warmer regions, they tend to have white skin. They occupy a large space and are sensitive to the environment they live in. Hence, they need a proper habitat to live in. However, not much needs to be done. One responsible person in the home is enough to take good care of the pet reptile. As for guidance, this article would provide sufficient information about everything one needs to know about the albino bearded dragons before bringing them home.
Distinctive Features of Albino Bearded Dragon
Scientific Name | Pogona vitticeps |
Lifespan | 8-12 years |
Color | White or cream with pink or yellow hues |
Size | 18-24 inches |
Health Risk | Low |
Tank Size | Minimum 40 gallons |
Tankmates | Peaceful reptiles or bearded dragons of similar size |
Unique Trait | Lack of pigmentation and red or pink eyes |
Famous For | Its striking albino coloration |
Temperament | Generally docile and friendly |
Maintenance | Medium |
Adaptability | Moderate |
Behavior | Generally good with supervised children |
Personality | Active and curious |
Social | Can be kept singly or in groups (with proper space) |
Due to their cool and calm temperament, white bearded dragons are considered fit to be family pets. They have friendly behavior and love human interaction. The owners can get them out of their tanks to play with them. This pet reptile won't mind crawling over your body and climbing over your shoulder. However, they are delicate and should be handled carefully.
They move well on their own but if somebody is trying to hold them aur lift them up, they should be aware of the right technique and act accordingly (avoid lifting it in air through its tail). As mentioned, they are usually very friendly but they may get aggressive if they are not provided with something they need. Even in that situation, the worst they would do is bite. It won't be much of an issue because their bites are harmless to humans. Apart from their appearance, behavior, temperament, and other basic characteristics, here are some other features that would be helpful to know more about the zero bearded dragons.
The male bearded dragons are very particular about their territories. They don't like to share their spaces. So, if there are more than one of these male dragons, they should be housed separately. If placed together, they can turn aggressive towards each other.
Keeping two white bearded dragons of opposite gender won't be an issue. However, the males have a dominating nature and they expect their female counterparts to be somewhat submissive. If not, the female might end up being attacked.
Unlike most of the other bearded dragons, white bearded dragons have a monotonous color throughout their body. And, since this color is white or gray, the owners wouldn't notice when they shed.
How to Take Care of Pet Albino Bearded Dragon?
White bearded dragons are specifically preferred as pet reptiles because they are easy to take care of. All they essentially need is a good habitat that is familiar to the natural environment as much as possible. It should be accompanied by a well-balanced diet and proper hygiene. Proper light and heating conditions should be provided with the help of a UVB light. However, the light must not be too strong or it can do more bad than good. Apart from that, they are good at recognizing their owners and can identify them even by their voice.
They are quick to adapt to a new environment and a new routine which is a great advantage for the owner (considering the owner himself is disciplined regarding the time). The maintenance for a white bearded dragon is relatively much easier than any other reptile. However, all their needs should be fulfilled on time. Only then will they be able to live a long life. Proper living conditions are a must if the owner wants the pet reptile to be happy and healthy. If there's any confusion regarding how to prepare the right environment for them, what to include in their meals, or if there's any specific disease one needs to be aware of, keep reading!
How to Setup a Tank for Pet Albino Bearded Dragon?
While setting up a tank, the first thing to be considered is the size of the tank. A bearded dragon of this size would need a tank of at least 30 gallons. The larger, the better! The tank should preferably be made up of glass or plexiglass. The top can be enclosed with a mesh wire. This will allow an easy view of the pet even from outside. To make sure that their artificial environment resembles their natural habitat, a good amount of light should be provided. For this purpose, UVA or UVB lights can be used. It will not only keep them satisfied but provide them with Vitamin D. This light should be available to them for around 12-14 hours every day.
For substrate (or the floor of the tank), it is recommended to use reptile carpet. If reptile carpet is not available, newspapers and paper towels can also be used. However, the former is preferred. Importantly, other substances like sands and pebbles must not be used for filling the tank. It can be harmful to the pet bearded dragon. The owners can provide a heating pad for better heating conditions. The suitable temperature should be between 70°F to 100°F. As for the humidity, it should be around 20% to 40%.
What to Feed Pet Albino Bearded Dragon?
White bearded dragons, or bearded dragons in general, are omnivores. They should be fed both plants and animals in the required proportion. These pet bearded dragons will feed on more insects as juveniles. As they grow, they would need more plant matter than insects to feed upon. For adult bearded dragons, the meals should be composed of 70% insects and 30% plants. For insects, one may include mealworms, dubia roaches, wax worms, and crickets. And, for plant matter, fresh fruits like berries and melons, and vegetables like lettuce and carrots can be included.
The owner can also offer their pet reptile meat on special occasions. Extra supplements for calcium and vitamins should be added to the meals once or twice a week, depending on the requirements. The white bearded dragon should be fed once a day. Apart from the food, it should be provided with chlorine-free water at all times. The water should be changed regularly. The feeding area should be kept clean as well. If the pet bearded dragon doesn't finish its fruits and veggies within 24 hours, the remains should be discarded by the owner and the area should be cleaned up.
What are the Health Concerns of Pet Albino Bearded Dragon?
White bearded dragons are vulnerable to various health problems including parasites, respiratory infections and rotting of the mouth. There are several diseases that are common to almost all bearded dragons. While some of these diseases can be fully cured, others can be reversed to a certain extent or their effect can be reduced. In any case, any action can be taken only when the disease is detected on time. Here’s a small list of some of the most common problems.
Metabolic bone diseases are the most common health problem among bearded dragons. The bones of the reptiles become weak putting them at the risk of fractures. It is mostly caused due to the lack of calcium in the diet. The problem cannot be cured completely but the impact can be reduced with proper treatment.
Respiratory infections are another common health concern for these reptiles. It is a type of bacterial infection attacking the lungs of the reptile. It is mostly caused by the excess of moisture. The symptoms include wheezing, breathing with an open mouth, or presence of excessive mucus around the nostrils.
Next thing to be concerned about is high parasite count. All bearded dragons have some amount of parasites in their body that come along with the insects like mealworms. When the number of parasites are too much, it may affect the health of the pet reptile quite badly.
Most of the health problems can be prevented if all the guidelines are followed and the pet reptile receives proper care. Additionally, regular health check ups can be very helpful in early diagnosis of the disease, if any.
Frequently Asked Questions about Albino Bearded Dragon
Some of the generally asked questions about albino breaded dragons are answered below:
How rare are albino bearded dragons?
Albino bearded dragons are an extremely rare morph in the universe of bearded dragons.
How long do albino bearded dragons live?
Pure albino bearded dragons cannot last more than a few weeks due to lack of melanin. However, white bearded dragons can live upto 12 years depending on the care they receive.
How much do albino bearded dragons cost?
They can cost you anything between $300 to $900.