Tortoiseshell cats are named for their coat, which is typically black and orange or red in color, resembling the shell of a tortoise...
Popularly known for its 'dog-like' appearance and nature, Peterbald cats are truly one of a kind. Popularly known...
The Oriental Shorthair is a reproduction of Siamese cats. The literature on this topic depicts the blue-eyed, pointed pattern cat...
The white cat's appearance is captivating and fanciful. The other colors in cats' is black, brown, gray, and orange. Several pet...
The Balinese cats are known as the purebred long-haired Siamese. Their country of origin is the United States and Thailand...
Polydactyly or polydactylism derived from Greek means many fingers or toes. It can happen in humans and animals as well....
Do you know that rusty spotted cats or Prionailurus rubiginosus are the smallest cat variety globally? It is mostly found in...
Do you know that sphynx cat or naked cat is the result of spontaneous natural genetic mutation? It is not a peculiar...
Despite popular belief, many cats are actually lactose intolerant.
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