The hognose snake is a harmless native North American snake that has been known to play dead when threatened...
The eastern box turtle, also known as the common box turtle, is a popular pet due to its timid nature and native range in the...
Moonlight gourami is a popular and well-suited fish to be considered for keeping in a home aquarium. It originally belongs to...
Senegals are not very tough to take care of, which again makes them efficient as a pet. However, like any other pet, it still relies...
This versatile breed is recognized as Louisiana leopard dog or in short as Louisiana Catahoula and Catahoula hog...
The Afghan hound is an ancient breed. It was bred by nomadic people thousands of years ago in Afghanistan, Pakistan, as well as...
Alaskan Klee Kai is based on Eskimo name translating into meaning little dog. The breed originated from Alaska in the 1970s and...
The Neapolitan Mastiff or Mastino Napoletano is so-called after the Italian city of Naples since antiquity. Its origin dates...
Corn snake or Pantherophis Guttatus is a kind of rat snake from North America southeastern and central region of America...
The oldest domestic Angora Rabbit is raised for the lengthy fibers on its coat. Angora wool is collected through shearing, combing...
Despite popular belief, many cats are actually lactose intolerant.
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